@ 1973 Primo collettivo femminista - Foto di Archivia

to establish the Semia Women's Fund
100 memberships for the Participation Assembly

To all women, workers and retirees, managers and homemakers, entrepreneurs, educators, artists, scientists, athletes, and professionals who believe that systemic change is important and necessary, we ask for your participation inour commitment and to support our shared vision

To all men who  share our values  and wish to support, encourage, and strengthen our actions, we ask them to join us by dedicating their first donation in honor or in memory of a woman who embodies, has embodied, or will embody such values

How can you become part of the Participation Assembly?

Participation in the Assembly is open to women and men who share the foundation's purposes and values. Access to the Assembly is subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Applications can be submitted by filling out the request form.

For 2023, access to the Assembly involves supporting our work through a suggested philanthropic donation of €1,000. However, the Board reserves the right to accept different contributions proposed by the Participants, in proportion to their financial capacity. For subsequent years, the Assembly will suggest to the Board the membership fee and the annual renewal fee. The foundation's status as a Philanthropic Entity allows for tax deductibility of all donations. 

The names of the first 100 memberships will appear on our website and in our inaugural social report.

What is the Participation Assembly?

The Assembly is a statutory body of Semia that welcomes individuals who, by sharing the foundation's purposes, contribute to achieving its goals with a long-term vision.

The Assembly is the philanthropic and relational cornerstone of Semia: beyond an annual donation to our management fund, participants may, if they wish, contribute with knowledge, skills, and contacts, encouraging and strengthening our actions. Our sustainability and future growth rely on them. Le Donations to our fund represent a strategic resource for the foundation and, in the early years, will be essential to ensure its sustainability and growth.

The Assembly will also be an opportunity for networking among women and men driven by the same transformative vision of gender equality in Italy, a virtual space for education and information on historical and contemporary feminism, as well as an observatory on the progress of gender issues worldwide. 

The Assembly meets online or during events and regularly receives updates on the foundation's strategies, in which it can contribute by expressing opinions and nominating members of the Board of Directors.

The Assembly offers, to those who desire it, the opportunity to play a role in safeguarding and promoting women's rights in Italy. An unparalleled opportunity to contribute to the progress of our country and to one of the most urgent causes of our millennium.

Who are our first 100 Donne?

100 Donne

who know that work is fundamental
for emancipation

100 Donne

who see how, despite merit
we still don't reach the top of professional careers.

100 Donne

aware that motherhood is a choice and never an imposition, and that abortion should be free, safe, and accessible

100 Donne

who understand how urgent it is to counter gender-based violence and femicides

100 Donne

who recognize that racism and homophobia increase the risk of abuse and harassment

100 Donne

Workers or retirees, homemakers, managers, professionals, entrepreneurs, educators, artists, scientists, and athletes who have made their own choices

100 Donne


* indicates required