Who we are

We are a foundation under the Italian law and a feminist fund; we are independent of any political ideology, economic interest or religious belief. Our mission is to offer support to the movement for women's rights and gender equality in Italy.

We believe in gender equality through the perspective of intersectional feminism where gender, sexual orientation, and relational ethnicity, class, religion, disability, education, and territory are the guidelines of our gaze.

We believe that a feminist and intersectional Italy is not a future dimension, but the present we live.


Chi Siamo

Our goals

Increase the financial and organizational resources for the feminist movement in Italy to improve its operations and inpact

Strengthen the national feminist networks by creating spaces and platforms for collaboration, share of ideas, and communication

Promote a stronger connection between the Italian feminist movements and the international feminist ecosystem

Su cosa lavoriamo

What we work for

We support and accompany organizations, collectives, networks and associations by funding three thematic macro-areas that represent the issues indicated by the feminist movement in Italy as the most urgent in the fight against gender inequality.

> Self-determination and the right of choice
> Work, Independence and Economic Justice
> Awareness, education and support for activism

Our method

We are close to the Italian feminist movement toward which we stand in a listening position to give voice to the activism of women's social movements and acknowledge their real needs. We embrace feminisms in their complexity, aware that they all aim their action at achieving a common goal.

Feminist funding aims to achieve gender equality and contribute to social justice through a methodology that ensures "integral support" for organizations, groups, collectives and networks composed of and led by women, transgender and non-binary people. In addition to traditional financial support for programs, we incentivise the structural and organizational development of beneficiary organizations.

This is an innovative model that distances itself from a verticalized, project-based approach and respects the principles of:

> Flexible filanthropy
> Situated knowledge
> Intersectional feminist approach

See "Frequent Asked Questions" to learn more, or contact us.


Strategia, Fundraising e partnership istituzionali


Filantropia femminista e donatori istituzionali


Legale, advocacy LGBTQIA+, ricerca


Rapporti istituzionali e relazioni esterne


Ricerca & policy, capacity building, network internazionale 

Rachele Convito

Comunicazione e relazioni donatori 

Samanta Pettinelli

Strategy, program coordination, fundraising

* indicates required